Wednesday, November 12, 2008

...a puppy named Henry

Dad put the walnuts in front of the wood stove to dry--Henry's favorite napping spot. He didn't let the walnuts bother him.

In late August we had an email from my mom and dad. They had just brought home their new puppy, Henry. I was surprised--they haven't had a dog in many, many years, and when family visits, dogs are not allowed in the house. In pictures Henry was very cute, but I wasn't so sure my folks had made a wise choice in getting a puppy. As soon as I met him I fell in love, and enjoyed seeing mom and dad interact with him. He has been good for them and now I'm glad they have him!
Henry wants Chasse to play, but she's toooo tired. He came to spend the night in mid-October while mom and dad made a quick trip to Portland.

How Henry got his name: When my dad was a little boy his mom remarried, but she wouldn't allow him to call his new stepdad "Dad." But, the two guys had a good relationship and there was genuine affection between them. So, they called each other "Big Henry" and "Little Henry," names they made up.

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