Sunday, May 16, 2010

...weekend visitors

A co-worker/friend asked if I'd dog-sit for the weekend. Nothing was on the calendar, so sure, I'd be happy to help. Meet Mufasa. The coolest little dog I've ever hung out with. I'd like to clone him!

Nate called and asked, "Mama, are you going to be home this weekend?" Yep, I sure am. So he and Andrea came for a visit.

It was a delightful weekend of sunshine, laughter, music, hanging out on the patio, sharing a meal with the neighbors, and a friendly little dog for company. Throw in a bike ride this morning while my house guests slept in, and a good book on the couch after they'd gone--an almost perfect weekend. Life is good!


Leslie Morgan said...

That WAS a wonderful weekend ~ thank you for sharing it! I'm not a dog-person, Dooz. I'd be hard-pressed to make my friend happy by taking care of his or her dog. But Mufasa does look like a good little citizen!

WV - sayeloon. Think I'll mosey on down to the sayeloon and get a cold one.

Janie said...

We love him, but we don't necessarily expect others to. Thanks for your willingness to help!

The Old Bag said...

sounds like a wonderful weekend! we need those this time of year!

Doozyanner said...

Limes, I was never a dog person either--but my daughter was, and she converted me.
LoganO, thanks for stopping by!
Janie, like I said--anytime, as long as I plan on being home anyway. Mufasa was a delight!
OB, summer can't come soon enough--what a stressful year!