At Wakeenah Falls I decided a quick picture from the comfort of a warm vehicle would suffice.
We made it to Portland
without any mishaps, although many other folks were not so fortunate. I drove v-e-r-y carefully and got us to our hotel just fine.
(My little truck didn't know how to act with valet parking--she's more of a small town girl!) It was a delightful evening with a friend--walking to an early dinner, enjoying the lights and decorations, and then...The Nutcracker. What fun! I'd never been to a ballet before and honestly had never seen this story in its entirety on TV. (How is that possible??) I cheated and took some quick pictures (minus the flash) before the curtain went up.
Since this was my first ballet, it all seemed magnificent to me--the music, the sets, the costumes, the athleticism--but I must admit, I enjoyed watching the children the most. It was over too soon.
Pretty bad when a comment contains so many typos one is embarrassed to let it stand! :~{
I am so happy that you enjoyed it. I'm glad to see you popped over to Tag's as well. Happy holidays, Dooz. That sounds like a harrowing drive to the city!
WV - ruderi. Would it be ruderi to ask what those ballet tickets sell for?
I'm not sure what the price was. It was John's treat and he didn't say. Although he did make a comment about a billboard we saw advertising tickets for $17. I'm guessing he paid a bit more than that for ours.
He's a good man, Dooz! Keep him this time if it's working for you both. Just my advice for right now, today. ;~}
Ha! Thanks for the 2 cents worth...but we're friends...nothing more... :-)
OK. That's good, too. Maybe better.
WV = gress. Did you two gress up for the ballet?
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