Wednesday, December 9, 2009

...feeding my spirit

  • Cycling (Yeah, I know that spinning isn't quite the same, but it's better than nothing this time of year! These folks are fun to hang out with, and the fast guys can't leave us behind.)

  • Sewing (I finished two projects this week and will rev up the machine again as soon as this blog is posted! This is an apron for Katie to use at work--not sure why I took the picture with my phone and not the camera.)

  • Reading (I've been slowly reading the books on the Oregon Battle of Books list. My current book is a tough read and not at all conducive to sweet dreams. I need to find time during the day instead of right before bed.)

Sewing update: Another project complete and ready to be mailed. :-) This is a reversible play mat for my great niece Jadyn. Arlene will keep it at her house for when Jadyn wants to play with her daddy's Matchbox cars from 30+ years ago.


Leslie Morgan said...

Sat down with coffee to enjoy your latest and I became incredibly sad. You mean to tell me some people rev up the machine and actually finish projects? I believe I need to think about feeding my spirit, too. It's been a long, long time. :~{

WV -swaces. I imagine if Limes would start and complete a project, she'd be feeling swaces.

Doozyanner said...

Limes, I recently read something (I think it was from my Flylady friend) that said that procrastination was a form of passive/aggressive behavior towards ourselves. We put off doing something then beat ourselves up, saying things to ourselves that we'd never tolerate from anyone else. I am by no means "perfect" at finishing projects, but I have gotten better over the years. And, if something is hanging around for too long and I drag my feet about finishing it--out it goes, either to Goodwill to bless someone else, or into the garbage. I try not to start a project that I know I'll be too distracted or busy to finish. The down side is--there's only so much time in each day and when I give myself permission to sew...then school suffers and I beat myself up for being a bad teacher. Sigh. I love me anyway.

Leslie Morgan said...

Thank you. I needed that. We need to be as good to ourselves as we are to others.