Thursday, April 9, 2009

...celebrating success

This morning I got to forgo my usual routine of dashing out the door with peanut butter bread balanced on my coffee cup to get to school at 7:00 (OK, 7:02). Why? The student I nominated for the Breakfast of Champions was selected, and I got to present the award. How cool is that? It was such a wonderful way to start the day--listening to teachers talk about how smart, kind, funny, organized, and hardworking their students are. Parents and siblings went up with the kids and I loved watching the families glow as they listened to the things said about their child. The boy I nominated--Antonio--has only been speaking English for about 5 years, yet he got one of the highest grades on his senior project. He is an amazing guy. He is shy and quiet, but has such a great sense of humor! His parents weren't able to come to the breakfast, but his mom did come to conferences tonight so I was able to tell her everything I said at the presentation, and more. I'm grateful to the Chamber of Commerce and all the organizations who funded this morning's breakfast. There are a lot of good kids out there and I'm glad for the chance to celebrate their success.

1 comment:

Lisa said...

You did such a great job speaking too!!! :)