Wednesday, August 24, 2011

...a birthday wish

Happy Birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy

birthday dear Leslie, HAPPY BIRTHDAY to


 (And many more!)

(Blogger is still giving me fits and I can't seem to comment on your blog. Atticus is a cutie--so glad you have a new friend! Oh--and your heat wave?  Psshh.  ha!)

1 comment:

Leslie Morgan said...

Ha, my friend ~ you are GOOD and I thank you. My last year in my 50s. I think I'll be ready for what follows. Imagine me being able to say or even think that just a year ago.

Today we're aiming for a record high of 111. Nothing to sneer at, but I imagine you do trump us.

I'll write a post soon. The office gathered around a beautiful cake, half of which is left for me to take as a treat to AA tonight. I got a gift in a pleasing green color. That's all I'm telling. It's a good day.